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Dark Blue Shapes

Below is a guide to our basic pricing structure. However please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements and we will do our best to get you the best price possible


Basic Video to DVD Transfer - £5 a tape.

Full transfer of a VHS tape to a DVD (DVD provided in an envelope). No postage - collection only.


Basic Video to DVD Transfer with postage - £5.50 a tape.

As above but DVD's will be sent to any UK address via 2nd class post.*


Premier Video to DVD Transfer - £6 a tape.

Full transfer of a VHS tape to a DVD. Includes DVD case with printed sleeve. No postage - collection only.


Premier Video to DVD Transfer with postage - £7 a tape.

As above but DVD's will be sent to any UK address via 2nd class post.*


Other formats to DVD Transfer - TBC

We are still processing the details of transfers from other formats. please contact to discuss your requirements.


* Your Originals

None of the above includes for the postal return of your original tapes. Unless otherwise instructed we will safely store your tapes for a two month period, after which they will be destroyed. We are happy to return all originals but add any addition postage cost to the price of your order.

Prices: Welcome
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